I’m Lorena Loayza, a proud resident of Jersey City in our vibrant Ward B community. As a long-time community member, I know firsthand the challenges and opportunities we face every day.

My journey—from raising three incredible children to building businesses and supporting local development—has taught me the power of collaboration, resilience, and bold vision. I believe Ward B deserves a leader who listens, cares, and takes action to ensure our neighborhoods thrive.

My campaign is about YOU. Together, we can build safer streets, create more economic opportunities, and preserve the unique character that makes Ward B the heart of Jersey City.

Join me as we work to bring fresh ideas and lasting change to our community. Let’s shape the future of Ward B—together.

Lorena Loayza
Candidate for Councilperson, Ward B​

My Work in our Community

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been deeply committed to fostering positive change in the communities I serve. From championing initiatives that address food insecurity to mentoring young leaders and advocating for small business growth, my work is driven by a vision of an inclusive, vibrant, and empowered community. Guided by a belief in collaboration and the strength of grassroots efforts, I strive to create opportunities and resources that uplift individuals and families while strengthening the fabric of our shared spaces.

Through partnerships with local organizations, public service, and hands-on involvement, I aim to make a meaningful impact on issues that matter most—whether it’s promoting education, supporting entrepreneurs, or enhancing public spaces to reflect the culture and potential of our community

Lorena Loayza
Candidate for Councilperson, Ward B

My memories

Know more about my activities helping and supporting our community.



The biggest adventure you can take

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“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

Sahara Desert

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Africa, Tanzania

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my career

In the Press:




My Recent Tours

Seychelles, Praslin

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India, Mauritius

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Africa, Tanzania

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Seychelles, Praslin

Residence certainly elsewhere something she preferred cordially law. Age his surprise formerly mrs perceive few stanhill moderate. Of in power match on truth.

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